Poker Tells
Poker Tells is best defined as an ability of reading your opponent. It is any physical reaction, behavior, or habit that gives you information about your opponent's hand. Each player normally gives out tells. Every physical clue to every movement of the player counts toward reading a tell. It is up to you discover them, recognize them, and find out what they mean. The identical tells for one person may mean the exact opposite for another. On the other hand, the poker tells we discuss are pretty solid across the board. We recommend you read Mike Caro's Book of Tells, from the Poker Books section, if you wish to gain the best possible information, given the fact that he has done research his entire life on poker tells.
A quick bet is a sign of weakness.
Card Under Card - This occurs when a person shuffles his cards in his hands one card under the other. Generally this happens in games where people are fishing for a card. In case if you see it happen in Texas Holdem, they possibly have an Ace and they are hoping to get the other Ace. On the other hand, if you never see them look at their cards, they may be set before now.
The Neat Pile - If a player stacks his cards particularly neat, this quite, means they are in the hand. That doesn't mean if they are stacked casually they will fold. It simply means if they took the time and care to stack neatly, they may be getting ready to play. You can test this theory with different individuals. If you know a person is reckless or sloppy by nature, then observing him carefully place his cards would more strongly signify that he is getting ready to play. Likewise the contrary, if a neat particular person sets the cards down sloppy, they may be actually preparing to fold as well. In this case the psychology behind it could be, "Hey! Those are not my cards so what do I care?"
I'm OK Hand Shrug-This is a tell that involves hand gestures as well as some body language. If you ask a person how strong a hand they have, they may reply, "I'm O. K.", but usually it means they are really strong. Occasionally they may give the hands down folded or open gesture of "I'm OK". 99% of the time while you see this gesture, you would want to fold. So be alert tothe I'm OK hand sign.
Looking Straight at You - During a vital moment of a hand, it usually means the players don't have a very good hand. They are observing your every reaction to see what you're going to do. They really don't want you to call or raise and typically, they are on a bluff hoping you will fold. The idea behind this is that the person doesn't look at you when they have a good hand, so if they are looking straight at you, they must not have a good hand.